Installation guide:

1. Install provided appserv-win32-2.5.8.exe on the machine that will host the database.
* When asked for root account password, enter: root

2. After installation, copy the following from provided external hard drive to host machine:
* copy the contents of the folder /database to c:/AppServ/mysql/data/
* copy the contents of the folder /interface to c:/AppServ/www

3. Restart the machine. The database is ready for use.
* Access on host machine by pointing the web browser to http://localhost/index.php
* Access via any networked machine by pointing the web browser to http://IP address of host machine/index.php

Note: If you want to allow adding of new images to the database, you might need to increase the maximum allowed file size in c:/windows/php.ini from upload_max_filesize = 2M to upload_max_filesize = 8M